MPQ Theory Division
Application for a PhD position

Contact cirac-office@mpq.mpg.de for questions regarding this form.

* = required fields

1. Personal Information:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Date of birth:Year (YYYY): Month: Day:
* Place of Birth: (city / country)
* Nationality:
* Gender:

2. Address:
* Street:
* City:
* Zip Code:
* Country:

Please use international format, e.g. +49 - (0)89 - 32354352

* Phone:

Please make sure your email address is correct!

* E-Mail:

3. Education:

* Major Field(s) of Studies:
* Grade Point Average (GPA/equiv):
* Scale (worst to best):Please describe the scale of the grading system:
Title of Master Thesis:
* Current University/Institution:
Date attended, from year (YYYY): month:
to year (YYYY): month:
* Degree awarded / expected (when):year (YYYY): month:
Honours, Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards:
Languages (Proficiency):

4. Interests:

Do you apply for MPQ funding?


5. Documents:

Please, combine all your documents in a single pdf file (note that the overall size of the uploaded files must not exceed
10 MB!). The documents should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • High school degree certificate (or equivalent)
  • Transcript (summary) and degree certificate of both bachelor and master degree (or equivalent)
  • Any other relevant certificates.



    This registration system has been created by S. Greber and W. Grieger, GWDG, Göttingen, based on Lotus Software.