MPQ Theory Division
Application for a postdoc position

Contact cirac-office@mpq.mpg.de for questions regarding this form.

* = required fields

1. Personal Information:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Date of birth:Year (YYYY): Month: Day:
* Place of Birth: (city / country)
* Nationality:
* Gender:

2. Address:
* Street:
* City:
* Zip Code:
* Country:

Please use international format, e.g. +49 - (0)89 - 32354352

* Phone:

Please make sure your email address is correct!

* E-Mail:

3. Education:

* Major Field(s) of Studies:
* Grade Point Average (GPA/equiv):
* Scale (worst to best):Please describe the scale of the grading system:
Title of Master Thesis:
Title of PhD Thesis:
* Current University/Institution:
Date attended, from year (YYYY): month:
to year (YYYY): month:
* PhD awarded / expected (when):year (YYYY): month:
Honours, Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards:
Languages (Proficiency):

4. Interests:

Do you apply for MPQ funding?


5. Documents:

Please, combine all your documents in a single pdf file (note that the overall size of the uploaded files must not exceed
10 MB!). The documents should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • High school degree certificate (or equivalent)
  • Transcript (summary) and degree certificate of bachelor, master, and PhD degree (or equivalent)
  • Any other relevant certificates.

    .Two letters of recommendation should be directly sent by email to




    This registration system has been created by S. Greber and W. Grieger, GWDG, Göttingen, based on Lotus Software.